The Ultimate List of Marketing Statistics for 2018

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Search Engine Optimization Statistics

Understand how consumers are searching for and finding information about brands online.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

  • Only about 22% of businesses are satisfied with their conversion rates. (Econsultancy, 2016)
  • The first position on Google search results on desktop has a 34.36% click through rate. (Advanced Web Ranking, 2015)
  • The first position on Google search results on mobile has a 31.35% click through rate. (Advanced Web Ranking, 2015)
  • For every $92 spent acquiring customers, only $1 is spent converting them. (Econsultancy, 2016)



  • 81% of shoppers conduct online research before making big purchases. (Retailing Today, 2014)
  • 44% of people go directly to Amazon to start their product searches, compared to 34% who use search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo to search for products. (Marketing Land, 2015)
  • Mobile commerce makes up 30% of all U.S. ecommerce. (Internet Retailer, 2015)


Local SEO

  • 72% of consumers who did a local search visited a store within five miles. (WordStream, 2016)
  • 30% of mobile searches are related to a location. (Google, 2016)
  • 28% of searches for something nearby result in a purchase. (Google, 2016)
  • Local searches lead 50% of mobile visitors to visit stores within one day. (Google, 2014) 78% of local-mobile searches result in offline purchases. (Search Engine Land, 2014)


Mobile Search

  • More Google searches take place on mobile devices than on computers in 10 countries including the U.S. and Japan. (Google, 2015)
  • 49% of B2B researchers who use their mobile devices for product research do so while at work. (Google, 2015)
  • 65% of smartphone users agree that when conducting a search on their smartphones, they look for the most relevant information regardless of the company providing the information. (Google, 2015)
  • 51% of smartphone users have discovered a new company or product when conducting a search on their smartphone. (Google, 2015)
  • 48% of consumers start mobile research with a search engine. (Smart Insights, 2016)
  • 26% of consumers start mobile research with a branded app. (Smart Insights, 2016)


Organic Search

  • Google gets over 100 billion searches a month. (Mashable, 2015)
  • The average Google first page result contains 1,890 words. (Backlinko, 2016)
  • 50% of search queries are four words or longer. (WordStream, 2016)
  • 61% of marketers say improving SEO and growing their organic presence is their top inbound marketing priority. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • 71% of B2B researchers start their research with a generic search. (Google, 2015)
  • B2B researchers do 12 searches on average prior to engaging on a specific brand’s site. (Google, 2014)
  • 72% of marketers say relevant content creation was the most effective SEO tactic. (Ascend2, 2015)
  • 40% of marketers say the most challenging obstacle to search engine optimization success is changing search algorithms. (Ascend2, 2015)


Voice Search

  • 19% of people use Siri at least daily. (HubSpot, 2015)
  • 37% use Siri, 23% use Microsoft’s Cortana AI, and 19% use Amazon’s Alexa AI at least monthly. (HubSpot, 2015)
  • 20% of search queries on Google’s mobile app and on Android devices are voice searches. (Search Engine Land, 2016)
  • 60% of smartphone users who use voice search have begun using it within the past year, with 41% of survey respondents having only begun to use voice search in the past six months. (Search Engine Land, 2015)
  • 43% of mobile voice search users do so because they say it is quicker than going on a website or using an app. (Statista, 2015)
  • 21% of mobile voice search users do so because they say they don’t like typing on their mobile. (Statista, 2015)


Content Marketing Statistics

Learn what projects and platforms content marketers are prioritizing.


  • 53% of marketers say blog content creation is their top inbound marketing priority. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • 1 in 10 blog posts are compounding, meaning organic search increases their traffic over time. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • Compounding blog posts make up 10% of all blog posts and generate 38% of overall traffic. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • Over its lifetime, one compounding blog post creates as much traffic as six decaying posts. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • Companies that published 16+ blog posts per month got almost 3.5X more traffic than companies that published 0-4 monthly posts. (HubSpot, 2015)
  • B2B companies that blogged 11+ times per month had almost 3X more traffic than those blogging 0-1 times per month. (HubSpot, 2015)
  • B2C companies that blogged 11+ times per month got more than 4X as many leads than those that blog only 4-5 times per month. (HubSpot, 2015)
  • Companies that published 16+ blog posts per month got about 4.5X more leads than companies that published 0-4 monthly posts. (HubSpot, 2015)
  • 75% of HubSpot’s blog views and 90% of blog leads come from old posts. (HubSpot, 2014)
  • Some 15% of internet users read or comment on discussion forums such as reddit, Digg, or Slashdot, while 10% use the blogging website Tumblr. (Pew Research Center, 2015)
  • 43% of people admit to skimming blog posts. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • Titles with 6-13 words attract the highest and most consistent amount of traffic. (HubSpot, 2016)


Content Strategy

  • 8% of marketers plan to add Medium to their marketing efforts in the next 12 months. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • On average, B2B marketers allocate 28% of their total marketing budget to content marketing. (Content Marketing Institute, 2015)
  • Only 30% of B2B marketers say their organizations are effective at content marketing, down from 38% last year. (Content Marketing Institute, 2015)
  • 55% of B2B marketers say they are unclear on what content marketing success or effectiveness looks like. (Content Marketing Institute, 2015)
  • 32% of B2B marketers say they have a documented content marketing strategy. (Content Marketing Institute, 2015)
  • 28% of B2B marketers say they have a documented editorial mission statement. (Content Marketing Institute, 2015)
  • 47% of buyers viewed 3-5 pieces of content before engaging with a sales rep. (Demand Gen Report, 2016)
  • 96% of B2B buyers want content with more input from industry thought leaders. (Demand Gen Report, 2016)



  • 11% of marketers plan to add podcasting to their marketing efforts in the next 12 months. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • Podcast listening grew 23% between 2015 and 2016. (Edison Research, 2016)
  • 64% of podcasts are listened to on a smartphone or tablet. (Edison Research, 2016)
  • 21% of Americans age 12 or older say they have listened to a podcast in the past month. (Pew Research Center, 2016)
  • Weekly podcast listeners consume five shows per week on average. (Edison Research, 2016)


Social Media Statistics

See how marketers are expanding their reach with social media

social media marketing


  • 72% of adult internet users use Facebook. (Pew Research Center, 2015)
  • Only 45% of marketers think that their Facebook efforts are effective. (Social Media Examiner, 2015)
  • Facebook posts with images see 2.3X more engagement than those without images. (Buzzsumo, 2015)
  • Facebook continues to have the most engaged users — 70% log on daily, including 43% who do so several times a day. (Pew Research Center, 2015)
  • Facebook sends 82% of social media traffic to longer stories and 84% of social traffic to shorter news articles. (Pew Research Center, 2016)
  • 63% of Facebook and Twitter users say each platform serves as a source for news about events and issues outside the realm of friends and family. (Pew Research Center, 2015)
  • 74% of people say they use Facebook for professional purposes. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • In the past two years, content consumption on Facebook has increased 57%. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • 76% of people use their Facebook feed to find interesting content. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • Facebook has 1.13 billion daily active users. (Statista, 2016)



  • On Instagram, photos showing faces get 38% more Likes than photos not showing faces. (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2014)
  • 28% of adult internet users use Instagram. (Pew Research Center, 2015)
  • 59% of Instagram users are on the platform daily, including 35% who visit several times a day. (Pew Research Center, 2015)
  • Instagram has 500 million monthly active users. (Statista, 2016)
  • Over 95 million photos and videos are shared on Instagram every day. (Instagram, 2016)



  • 25% of adult internet users use LinkedIn. (Pew Research Center, 2015)
  • LinkedIn is the only major social media platform for which usage rates are higher among 30- to 49-year-olds than among 18- to 29-year-olds. (Pew Research Center, 2015)
  • 46% of online adults who have graduated from college are LinkedIn users, compared with just 9% of online adults with a high school diploma or less. (Pew Research Center, 2015)
  • 32% of employed adults are LinkedIn users, compared with 14% of online adults who are not employed. (Pew Research Center, 2015)
  • In the past two years, content consumption on LinkedIn has increased 21%. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • LinkedIn has 450 million members, but only 25% actively visit the professional social network each month. (VentureBeat, 2016)



  • 31% of adult internet users use Pinterest. (Pew Research Center, 2015)
  • Pinners are just as likely to purchase as users from other social channels, but spend 50% more on average compared to other social channels. They also spend 20% more than users referred from non-social channels, including search. (Pinterest, 2016)
  • Pinterest has 100 million monthly active users. (The New York Times, 2015)
  • 71% of Pinterest’s users are women. (Search Engine Land, 2015)
  • 45% of people on Pinterest use the app while watching TV. (Pinterest, 2016)



  • Snapchat has 150 million daily active users. (Statista, 2016)
  • Every second, 8,796 photos are shared on Snapchat. (CEWE Photoworld, 2016)
  • 52% of Snapchat users are under the age of 25. (Statista, 2016)
  • 30% of U.S. millennial internet users use Snapchat regularly. (eMarketer, 2015)


Social Media Management

  • 88% of marketers want to know how to measure their return on investment for social media activities. (Social Media Examiner, 2015)
  • Only 42% of marketers say they are able to measure their social activities. (Social Media Examiner, 2015)
  • 92% of marketers say that social media is important to their business. (Social Media Examiner, 2015)
  • More than half of marketers who’ve been using social media for at least two years report it helped them improve sales. (Social Media Examiner, 2015)
  • 90% of all marketers indicated that their social media efforts have generated more exposure for their businesses. (Social Media Examiner, 2015)
  • By spending as little as six hours per week, 66% of marketers see lead generation benefits with social media. (Social Media Examiner, 2015)
  • At least 61% of those investing a minimum of six hours per week in social media marketing saw improvements in search engine rankings. (Social Media Examiner, 2015)
  • 6 in 10 small business owners are not able to track ROI from their social media activities. (eMarketer, 2015)


Social Media Usage

  • 64% of marketers are using social media for six hours or more and 41% for 11 or more hours weekly. (Social Media Examiner, 2015)
  • Nearly 19% of marketers spend more than 20 hours each week on social media. (Social Media Examiner, 2015)
  • 83% of all marketers actively pursue social media marketing initiatives. (Aberdeen, 2016)
  • As of 2015, 35% of all those 65 and older report using social media, compared with just 2% in 2005. (Pew Research Center, 2015)
  • As of 2015, 90% of young adults use social media, compared with 12% in 2005. (Pew Research Center, 2015)
  • Nearly one-third of the world uses social networks regularly. (eMarketer, 2016)



  • 23% of adult internet users use Twitter. (Pew Research Center, 2015)
  • 3 in 10 online urban residents use Twitter, compared with 21% of suburbanites and 15% of those living in rural areas. (Pew Research Center, 2015)
  • 30% of online adults under 50 use Twitter, compared with 11% of online adults ages 50 and older. (Pew Research Center, 2015)
  • Twitter accounts for 16% of referrals to longer articles from social sites and 14% for shorter news articles. (Pew Research Center, 2016)
  • Twitter has nearly 4X as many users internationally as in the U.S. (Pew Research Center, 2016)
  • In the past two years, content consumption on Twitter has increased 25%. Twitter has 313 million monthly active users. (HubSpot, 2016)


Visual Content

  • Visual content is 40X more likely to get shared on social media than other types of content. (Buffer, 2014)
  • Articles with an image once every 75-100 words got double the number of social shares than articles with fewer images. (Buzzsumo, 2015)
  • 71% of online marketers use visual assets in their social media marketing. (Social Media Examiner, 2015)
  • Researchers found that colored visuals increase people’s willingness to read a piece of content by 80%. (Xerox, 2014)
  • Research has shown that when people hear information, they are likely to remember only 10% of that information three days later. However, if a relevant image is paired with that same information, people retained 65% of the information three days later. (LifeLearn, 2015)
  • Infographics are liked and shared on social media 3X more than any other type of content. (Mass Planner, 2015)


Video Marketing Statistics

See why brands are adding video marketing to their strategy.

video marketing

Product Video

  • 4X as many customers would rather watch a video about a product than read about it. (Animoto, 2015)
  • Almost 50% of internet users look for videos related to a product or service before visiting a store. (Google, 2016)
  • 53% of smartphone users feel more favorable towards companies whose mobile sites or apps provide instructional video content. (Google, 2015)
  • 4 in 5 consumers believe that demo videos are helpful. Shoppers who view video are 1.81X more likely to purchase than non-viewers. (Animoto, 2015)


Social Video

  • 46% of marketers plan to add Facebook video to their content strategy in the next year. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • 45% of people watch more than an hour of Facebook or YouTube videos a week. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • 100 million hours of video are watched every day on Facebook. (TechCrunch, 2016)
  • 82% of Twitter users watch video content on Twitter. (Twitter, 2015)
  • 90% of Twitter video views are on mobile. (Twitter, 2015)


Video Analytics

  • 55% of people consume video content thoroughly. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • 43% of people want to see more video content from marketers. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • Marketers who use video grow revenue 49% faster than non-video users. (Aberdeen, 2015)
  • Nearly two-thirds of consumers prefer video under 60 seconds. (Animoto, 2015)
  • 51.9% of marketing professionals worldwide name video as the type of content with the best ROI. (Adobe, 2015)



  • 48% of marketers plan to add YouTube to their content strategy in the next year. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • On mobile alone in an average week, YouTube reaches more 18+ year-olds during prime time TV hours than any cable TV network. (Google, 2016)
  • Two-thirds of YouTube users watch YouTube on a second screen while watching TV at home. (Google, 2016)
  • YouTube is more commonly used by larger businesses. For example, 71% of businesses with 100+ employees use YouTube, compared to 38% of the self-employed. (Social Media Examiner, 2015)
  • YouTube has over a billion users, almost one-third of all people on the Internet. (YouTube, 2016)
  • In an average month, 8 out of 10 18- to 49-year-olds watch YouTube. (Google, 2016)
  • Among millennials, YouTube accounts for two-thirds of the premium online video watched across devices. (Google, 2016)
  • The time people spend watching YouTube on their TV has more than doubled year over year. (Google, 2016)


Email Marketing Statistics

Learn how marketers are using email marketing to maximize ROI.

email marketing

Clickthrough Rate

  • 54% of marketers say increasing engagement rate is their top email marketing priority. (Ascend2, 2016)
  • 11 a.m. ET has the highest clickthrough rate for email sends. (HubSpot, 2015)
  • 15% of marketers surveyed say their company still does not regularly review email opens and clicks; only 23% say they have integrated their website and emails to track what happens after a click. (MarketingProfs, 2016)
  • Email notifications about abandoned carts have a 40.5% open rate. (eMarketer, 2015) As the number of images in an email increases, the clickthrough rate of the email tends to decrease. (HubSpot, 2014)


Email Copy

  • 64% of people prefer rich text emails. (HubSpot, 2014)
  • One-third of millennial workers are comfortable using emojis to communicate with a direct manager or senior executive. (Adobe, 2015)
  • Email subject lines that include the words “thank you” have the highest above-average engagement levels. (Adestra, 2015)
  • Nearly half (47%) of marketers say they sometimes test alternate subject lines to optimize email performance. (MarketingProfs, 2016)
  • Emails that included the first name of the recipient in their subject line had higher clickthrough rates than emails that did not. (HubSpot, 2014)
  • The open rate for emails with a personalized message was 17.6%, compared to 11.4% without personalization. (Statista, 2014)


Email Segmentation

  • 42% of marketers do not send targeted email messages; only 4% use layered targeting. (MarketingProfs, 2016)
  • 83% of companies use at least basic segmentation for their emails. (Econsultancy, 2016)
  • The ability to segment email lists and individualize email campaign messaging are the most effective personalization tactics for 51% and 50% of marketing influencers respectively. (Ascend2, 2016)
  • Segmented and targeted emails generate 58% of all revenue. (The Direct Marketing Association, 2015)


Email Usage

  • Three-quarters of companies agree that email offers “excellent” to “good” ROI. (Econsultancy, 2016)
  • Email use worldwide will top 3 billion users by 2020. (The Radicati Group, 2016)
  • Gmail has 1 billion active users worldwide. (Statista, 2016)
  • 66% of unsubscribes occur between 5 and 10 p.m. (Tomasz Tunguz, 2015)
  • 86% of consumers would like to receive promotional emails from companies they do business with at least monthly, and 15% would like to get them daily. (Statista, 2015)
  • 51% of marketers say enriching contact data quality is their most significant barrier to achieving email marketing success. (Ascend2, 2016)
  • 86% of professionals prefer to use email when communicating for business purposes. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • 78% of consumers have unsubscribed from emails because a brand was sending too many emails. (HubSpot, 2016)


Mobile Email

  • Two-thirds of emails are read on either smartphones or tablets. (Marketing Land, 2015)
  • Outside of work, Americans most commonly check their email while watching TV (70%), from bed (52%), on vacation (50%), while on the phone (43%), from the bathroom (42%), and even while driving (18%). (Adobe, 2015)
  • 75% of Gmail users access their accounts on mobile devices. (TechCrunch, 2015)
  • 48% of emails are opened on a smartphone. (Movable Ink, 2015)
  • 41% of emails are opened on an iPhone. (Movable Ink, 2015)


Lead Generation Statistics

Discover how marketers are reaching lead generation goals.


Demand Generation

  • 80% of marketers report their lead generation efforts are only slightly or somewhat effective. (BrightTALK, 2015)
  • Lack of resources, such as staff, funding, and time, remains the biggest obstacle to successful lead generation for 61% of B2B marketers. (BrightTALK, 2015)
  • For B2B marketers, the ideal number of fields on web registration and download forms is between three and five for 79% of respondents, while only 16% said it was six or more. (BrightTALK, 2015)
  • 53% of marketers say half or more of their budget is allocated to lead generation, while 34% say less than half of their budget is allocated to lead generation. (BrightTALK, 2015)
  • Only 16% of marketers say outbound practices provide the highest quality leads for sales. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • 63% of marketers say generating traffic and leads is their top challenge. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • 58% of marketers say their lead generation budget will increase in the coming year. (BrightTALK, 2015)
  • Nearly 80% of companies not meeting their revenue goals attract 10,000 monthly website visitors or less. For those exceeding their revenue goals, 70% report attracting more than 10,000 visitors per month. (HubSpot, 2015)
  • The less companies know about their KPIs, the less likely they are to meet their revenue goals. 74% of companies that weren’t exceeding revenue goals did not know their visitor, lead, MQL, or sales opportunities. (HubSpot, 2015)


Marketing Analytics

  • 59% of marketers rely on total lead volume as a top metric. (BrightTALK, 2015)
  • 42% of B2B marketing professionals state that a lack of quality data is their biggest barrier to lead generation. (BrightTALK, 2015)
  • 68% of inbound organizations believe their marketing strategy is effective. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • Only 61% of marketers believe their marketing strategy is effective. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • 24% of marketers don’t know whether their efforts resulted in closed-won deals. (BrightTALK, 2015)
  • 28% of marketers say securing enough budget is their top marketing challenge. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • Marketers that calculate ROI are 1.6 times more likely to receive higher budgets. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • 40% of marketers say proving the ROI of their marketing activities is their top marketing challenge. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • 72% of organizations that calculate ROI say their marketing strategy is effective. (HubSpot, 2016)


Marketing Automation

  • B2B marketers say the #1 benefit of marketing automation is the ability to generate more and better leads. (Pepper Global, 2014)
  • Marketers using automation software generate 2X the number of leads than those using blast email software and are perceived by their peers to be 2X as effective at communicating. (Autopilot, 2015)
  • 67% of B2B marketers say they see at least a 10% increase in sales opportunities through lead nurturing, with 15% seeing opportunities increase by 30% or more. (Demand Gen Report, 2014)
  • 70% of marketers say converting leads is their top priority. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • More than 60% of marketers use mass email blasts to stay in touch with customers, however, only 13% are using automation software. (Autopilot, 2015)
  • Marketing technology represents 33% of the average marketing budget. (Gartner, 2016)
  • 28% of marketing technology spend goes to infrastructure (e.g., servers, storage, network) to run marketing software. (Gartner, 2016)
  • Marketing technology spend is now higher than advertising spend for companies. (Gartner, 2016)
  • 64% of marketers say they saw the benefits of using marketing automation within the first six months of its implementation. (Regalix, 2015)
  • Nearly 70% of businesses are using a marketing automation platform or are currently implementing one. (Aberdeen, 2014)
  • Nurtured leads produce, on average, a 20% increase in sales opportunities versus non-nurtured leads. (Demand Gen Report, 2014)
  • 37% of marketers state that budget constraints hinder them from conducting an efficient marketing automation strategy. (Pepper Global, 2014)


Advertising Statistics

Understand how consumers view paid media.



  • 87% of people say there are more ads than two years ago. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • Adblocking has cost publishers nearly $22 billion in 2015 alone. (PageFair, 2015)
  • Adblocker Plus, the most popular ad blocking app, has reached 300 million downloads worldwide. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • 77% of consumers agree that they would prefer to ad filter than completely ad block. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • 41% of ad blocker users found out about ad blockers by word of mouth. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • 64% of ad blocker users do so because they believe ads are annoying or intrusive. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • 419 million people worldwide have installed an ad blocker on their smartphone. (PageFair, 2015)


Display Advertising

  • 91% of people say ads are more intrusive today than two years ago. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • 73% of people dislike pop-up ads. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • 4 out of 5 of people have left a webpage because of a pop-up or autoplaying video ad. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • One-third of marketers think outbound marketing tactics are overrated. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • 33% of inbound marketers and 31% of outbound marketers rank outbound marketing practices, such as paid advertising, as the top waste of time and resources. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • 72% of consumers say they would have a lower opinion of a brand if they subjected the consumer to a pop-up ad. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • 81% of consumers have closed a browser or exited a webpage because of a pop-up ad. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • 34% of consumers say they have mistakenly clicked on an online ad. (HubSpot, 2016)


Mobile Advertising

  • 70% of people dislike mobile ads. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • Mobile ad blocking has increased 90% year-over-year. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • 75% of Google’s mobile search revenue comes from apple devices. (Search Engine Land, 2015)
  • The average clickthrough rate for a mobile search ad on Google in the first position is 27.7%. The average clickthrough rate for the second position is 9.2%. (Search Engine Land, 2014)
  • Google drives 95% of all paid search ad clicks on mobile. (Business Insider, 2016)
  • 8 in 10 marketers worldwide use location targeting for mobile advertising. (eMarketer, 2015)
  • By 2019, mobile advertising will represent 72% of all U.S. digital ad spending. (Marketing Land, 2015)


Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

  • 64.6% of people click on Google ads when they are looking to buy an item online. (WordStream, 2016)
  • The average conversion rate in AdWords across all industries is 2.7% on the search network and 0.89% on the display network. (WordStream, 2016)
  • The average clickthrough rate in AdWords across all industries is 1.91% for search and 0.35% for display. (WordStream, 2016)
  • The average cost-per-click (CPA) in AdWords across all industries is $2.32 on the search network and $0.58 on the display network. (WordStream, 2016)
  • When it comes to paid social media ads, the overwhelming majority use Facebook ads (84%), followed by Google ads (41%) and LinkedIn ads (18%). (Social Media Examiner, 2015)


Video Advertising

  • 51% of people have a lower opinion of brands that use autoplaying video ads. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • 70% of U.S. marketers plan to use social video ads in the coming 12 months. (eMarketer, 2016)
  • 82% of consumers have closed a browser or exited a webpage because of an autoplaying online video ad. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • YouTube’s net U.S. video ad revenues account for 18.9% of the U.S. digital video ad market. (eMarketer, 2014)
  • Video ads have an average clickthrough rate of 1.84%, the highest clickthrough rate of all digital ad formats. (Business Insider, 2014)
  • 56% of viewers are likely to skip online video ads. (Marketing Land, 2014)
  • 15% of viewers believe a video ad should be no more than 15 seconds in length. (Marketing Land, 2014)


Marketing Technology Statistics

Discover how new technologies are changing consumer behavior.


Messaging Apps

  • 24% of marketers plan to add messaging apps to their content strategy in the next year. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • Roughly 3 in 10 online adults (29%) use messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Kik, or iMessage. (Pew Research Center, 2015)
  • 36% of smartphone owners use messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Kik, or iMessage. (Pew Research Center, 2015)
  • 14% of online adults use apps that automatically delete the messages they send, such as Snapchat or Wickr. (Pew Research Center, 2015)
  • 17% of smartphone owners use apps that automatically delete the messages they send, such as Snapchat or Wickr. (Pew Research Center, 2015)
  • Half of smartphone owners ages 18-29 use messaging apps. (Pew Research Center, 2015)
  • There have been over 4 billion downloads of messenger apps. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • 6 of the top 10 most used apps globally are messaging apps. (KPCB, 2016)
  • 7 in 10 Snapchatters use Facebook Messenger too. (GlobalWebIndex, 2015)
  • Among WeChat users in China, 60% open the app more than 10 times every day. (eMarketer, 2016)
  • By 2018, chat app users will represent 80% of smartphone users. (eMarketer, 2015)
  • 4 out of 10 mobile users use Facebook Messenger. (eMarketer, 2016)



  • Mobile commerce is now 30% of all U.S. ecommerce. (Internet Retailer, 2015)
  • There are 2.6 billion smartphone users globally. By 2020, there will be 6.1 billion. (TechCrunch, 2015)
  • One-third of people use their smartphone as their primary device to access the internet. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • 82% of smartphone users say they consult their phones on purchases they’re about to make in a store. (Google, 2016)
  • 34% of online retail purchases now happen on mobile devices. (Google, 2016)
  • 35% of smartphone users check their phone more than 50 times per day. (AdWeek, 2015)
  • 66% of Americans own at least two digital devices — smartphone, desktop or laptop computer, or tablet — and 36% own all three. (Pew Research Center, 2015)
  • 80% of millennials have their smartphone at their side, day and night. (Google, 2015)
  • 85% of adults ages 18-49 use multiple devices at the same time. (Google, 2016)
  • Consumers spend 85% of time on their smartphones in apps. (TechCrunch, 2015)
  • Consumers spend 84% of time on their smartphones using just five non-native apps they’ve installed from the App Store. (TechCrunch, 2015)
  • Only 39% of marketing executives say they are able to understand their customers’ cross-device behaviors. (eMarketer, 2016)
  • 90% of time on mobile is spent in apps. (Yahoo, 2016)


Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • 80% of respondents believe AI improves worker performance and creates jobs. (Narrative Science, 2015)
  • AI will replace 16% of American jobs by the end of the decade. (Forrester, 2015)
  • 32% of executives say voice recognition is the most widely used AI technology in their business. (Narrative Science, 2015)


Sales Statistics

Learn how salespeople can increase their efficiency with inbound selling.



  • 18% of salespeople don’t know what a CRM is. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • 23% of salespeople cite manual data entry as the biggest challenge using their existing CRM. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • 17% of salespeople cite lack of integration with other tools as the biggest challenge using their existing CRM. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • 40% of salespeople still use informal means such as Microsoft Excel or Outlook to store its lead and customer data. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • 32% of salespeople are spending an hour or more on data entry each and every day. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • Nearly half (45%) of companies are using some form of CRM to store lead data, and 84% of those companies have a standard in place for scoring lead quality. (DMN News, 2014)



  • 71% of companies say closing more deals is their top sales priority. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • Prospecting is the most difficult part of the sales process for salespeople. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • 58% of buyers want to talk about pricing in the first sales call, while 65% of salespeople want to keep the conversation on goals. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • 57% of salespeople believe buyers are less dependent on salespeople during the buying process. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • Only 29% of people want to talk to a salesperson to learn more about a product, while 62% will consult a search engine. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • 38% of salespeople say getting a response from prospects is getting harder. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • 38% of salespeople struggle most with prospecting. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • 63% of prospects are “somewhat” or “not at all” knowledgeable about a company before a sales rep makes the first contact. (HubSpot, 2016)
  • 35% of salespeople say closing deals is getting harder. (HubSpot, 2017)


Service-Level Agreement (SLA)

  • Only 22% of respondents have a formal SLA between marketing and sales. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • Only 8% of salespeople said leads they received from marketing were very high quality. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • Only 25% of salespeople said marketing was their best source of leads (HubSpot, 2017)
  • Organizations with an SLA are 3X as likely to be effective. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • 52% of marketers say they provide salespeople with their best quality leads, while salespeople rank marketing-sourced leads last. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • 81% of marketers with an SLA think their marketing strategy is effective. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • Social Selling 29% of companies are prioritizing social selling. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • Buyers who use social media have larger budgets — typically 84% larger than the budgets of buyers who do not use social. (IDC, 2014)
  • 61% of organizations engaged in social selling report a positive impact on revenue growth. (Feedback Systems, 2015)
  • 72% of sales professionals feel that they are not proficient with social selling. (Feedback Systems, 2015)
  • 46% of social sellers hit quota compared to 38% of sales reps who don’t. (Aberdeen, 2014)


Source: HubSpot

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About the author

Michael Doyle

Michael is a digital marketing powerhouse and the brain behind Top4 Marketing and Top4. His know-how and over 23 years of experience make him a go-to resource for anyone looking to crush it in the digital space. To get the inside scoop on the latest and greatest in digital marketing, be sure to read his blog posts and follow him on LinkedIn.

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