Cancerous Breast: What Does It Feel Like? – Top4 – Google News | SMBs Local Businesses, Franchise

Cancerous Breast: What Does It Feel Like?

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If you’re a woman, it’s important for you to be familiar with how your breasts look and check them regularly. This will help you become aware of any changes or abnormalities as they occur. All breast lumps deserve medical attention. Unusual lumps or bumps in breast tissue are something that should be examined by a doctor. The vast majority of lumps don’t result in cancerous breasts.

What Does A Lump Feel Like?

Cancerous breast lumps don’t all feel the same. Your doctor should examine any lump, whether or not it meets the most common symptoms listed below.

Most commonly, a cancerous lump in the breast:

• is a hard mass
• is painless
• has irregular edges
• is immobile (doesn’t move when pushed)
• appears in the upper outer portion of your breast
• grows over time

Not all cancerous breast lumps will meet these criteria, and a cancerous breast lump that has all of these traits isn’t typical. Cancerous breasts may feel rounded, soft, and tender and can occur anywhere in the breast. In some cases, the lump can even be painful. Some women also have dense, fibrous breast tissue. Feeling lumps or changes in your breasts may be more difficult if this is the case. Having dense breasts also makes it more difficult to detect breast cancer on mammograms. Despite the tougher tissue, you might still be able to identify when a change begins in your breast.

What Are The Other Possible Symptoms Of Breast Cancer?

In addition to a lump, you may experience one or more of the following most common breast cancer symptoms:

• swelling on part or all of your breast
• nipple discharge (other than breast milk, if breastfeeding)
• skin irritation or scaling
• redness of the skin on the breast and nipples
• a thickening of the skin on the breast and nipples
• a nipple turning inward
• swelling in the arm
• swelling under the armpit
• swelling around the collar bone

You should see a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms, with or without the presence of a lump. In many cases, these symptoms aren’t caused by cancer. Still, you and your doctor will want to do some tests to find out why it’s happening.

Cancerous Breast What Does It Feel Like - Breast Cancer - Top4

When Should I See My Doctor?

Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in women in Australia. Most breast lumps aren’t cancerous, however. You should visit your doctor if you see or feel anything new or unusual in your breast during a self-exam. Despite the statistics and ACS guidelines, many women still choose to continue performing self-exams. Whether or not you choose to do self-exams, you should talk to your doctor about the appropriate age to begin screening for mammograms. Following recommended breast cancer screening guidelines is the most important thing you can do to ensure early detection of breast cancer. The sooner breast cancer is detected, the sooner treatment can begin, and the better your outlook will be.

What Can I Expect At My Doctor’s Appointment?

Make an appointment with your primary care doctor or gynecologist. Tell your doctor about the new spot you’ve identified and the symptoms you feel. Your doctor will likely conduct a full breast exam and may also check nearby spots, including your collarbone, neck, and armpit areas. Based on what they feel, your doctor may order additional testing, such as a mammogram, ultrasound, or biopsy. Your doctor may also suggest a period of watchful waiting. During this time, you and your doctor will continue to monitor the lump for any changes or growth. If there’s any growth, your doctor should begin testing to rule out cancer. Be honest with your doctor about your concerns. If your personal or family history puts you at a higher risk of having breast cancer, you may want to move forward with the appropriate diagnostic testing so you can know for sure if your breast lump is cancer or something else.

At Sydney Breast Associate, the doctor is experienced in a Clinical Surgical Oncology Fellowship at The Royal Marsden Hospital in London, UK, and a Head/Neck/Breast/Endocrine Surgical Fellowship in Auckland City Hospital, New Zealand. With an aesthetic approach to breast cancer removal and breast conservation, Sydney Breast Associates focus on the best possible outcomes for their patients – from minimally invasive techniques to partial and total/skin-sparing/nipple-sparing mastectomy. Our breast surgeons work alongside experienced plastic and reconstructive surgeons to provide immediate breast reconstruction where possible. Book your appointment now to check the symptoms.

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Michael Doyle

Michael is a digital marketing powerhouse and the brain behind Top4 Marketing and Top4. His know-how and over 23 years of experience make him a go-to resource for anyone looking to crush it in the digital space. To get the inside scoop on the latest and greatest in digital marketing, be sure to read his blog posts and follow him on LinkedIn.

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