6 Ways to Improve Search Engine Rankings

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Search engine rankings are powerful and essential for your business profits. But you should first focus on the right things to secure your place at the top of search engines. These are the things you should do to improve your rankings over time.

1. Write for your audience.

Emotional intelligence will take you a long way in your writing. Find out how your audience feels and pour out your soul as you write for them. Follow a daily writing task list and improve how you perform each time. Commit at least 1 hour daily for your writing.

Here’s a sample writing task list:writing

  • Think of a working title.
  • Do a research.
  • Create an outline for the article.
  • Write based on the outline.
  • Edit the article.
  • Add images.
  • Incorporate SEO.
  • Promote the article.
  • Engage on an older article.
  • Update an old article.

2. Build backlinks.

Here are a few methods to earn links.

  • Focus on shareable content. It’s an easy way to gain more exposure.
  • Try expert roundups. Link to the experts mentioned in your article and tag them in the social shares. Also, email and ask them to share and link back.
  • Consider news jacking. It’s a method where you take a breaking news story and create a content out of it. Don’t forget to link to your source.
  • Link to other blogs and sites and then tell the owner/s that you linked to them in an article.

3. Enhance your process.

Make the process first, test it and make it better with software and tools.keyboard

  • Lead capture and automation software: Check the price and try a demo. Aesthetics matter a lot when it comes to lead capture so look also at the design and your ability to sculpt it.
  • Relationship management software: Consider using Ninja Outreach for outreach and keeping track of those you have emailed. Aside from that, landing pages are a must so you’ll need to have a design you can quickly and inexpensively replicate. Design your images by investing in tools like Picmonkey and Stencil.

4. Stay motivated and consistent.

Your search engine ranking depends on how you manage it. If you’re motivated, you can manage it consistently. Readers are leaders so make sure you’re reading. Simulate others’ success by following the pattern they’ve shown to be effective.

5. Take advantage of technical SEO.

These are the basics:

  • Speed up your site and use tools to find out what’s slowing down your site.
  • Optimise pictures using online tools and plugins.
  • Find duplicate content and crawl errors, then fix them. Check out Google and Bing webmaster tools for these issues.

6. Track your progress.checklist

Take the tools you’re using to see your backlinks and run them on your competitors. Look for links that the sites have and find ways to reach out and earn them, too. Track your progress on a weekly basis and see what’s happening based on the links you earned in that month.

In conclusion, remember why you want rankings in the first place. It’s because of the people who are visiting your site — don’t lose sight of that. Improving your rankings takes hard work and discipline, but it can be a fun journey if you do it for people.

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About the author

Michael Doyle

Michael is a digital marketing powerhouse and the brain behind Top4 Marketing and Top4. His know-how and over 23 years of experience make him a go-to resource for anyone looking to crush it in the digital space. To get the inside scoop on the latest and greatest in digital marketing, be sure to read his blog posts and follow him on LinkedIn.

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